Qualities of a Good Friend

In today’s materialistic world, finding a true friend is not easy. Many people come into your life, but identifying your best friend can make a big difference. A good friend makes life meaningful and balanced. Their love and support can improve both your mental peace and physical health.

They always stand with you in thick and thin. Moreover, they respect you and accept you with all your flaws. But, how do you know if someone is a true friend or just an acquaintance? No worries! We have listed some of the top qualities of a best friend.

What are the Traits of a Good Friend?

“A true friend is forever a friend.” -Quote about friendship by George MacDonald

This quote defines the true friendship goal. A true friend is always with you, no matter the circumstances. But not every person who comes into your life can be your best friend. Not everyone you meet is worthy of that title.

Having said that, sometimes you find your buddy in a completely unexpected place. Whether you know each other for long or just got connected, nothing matters when there’s a genuine spark of companionship.

10 Best Qualities of a Good Friend

1. Trustworthiness

Trustworthiness - Qualities of a Good Friend

Trust is the most critical factor in a strong friendship. It allows you to share your secrets, thoughts, and fears with a friend. Trust builds a long-standing relationship. Breaching it can pull apart a friendship in no time.

2. Honesty


Honesty is the foundation of many other positive traits. If there’s no honesty, there’s no trust; if there’s no trust, there’s no friendship. An honest person never lies to you. They don’t pretend to be someone they’re not or say things they don’t mean just to make you feel better.

Instead of lying, a sincere friend always speaks the truth no matter what you dislike, because he knows that this truth can lead to long-term success.

3. Loyalty

Good Friends are Loyal

Loyalty leads to a true friendship. A good friend is loyal and you can trust him without a doubt. A faithful friend never backbites you.

They never let anyone criticize you or make fun of you. Loyalty makes a person the most well-wisher of you and never deceives you or reveals your secrets in front of others.

4. Empathy

Empathy (Qualities Of A Good Friend)

Empathy lets a friend understand your feelings. They know your emotions and experiences and are always there for you in tough times. A good friend has empathy in abundance.

An empathetic friend helps you navigate doubts or friendship anxiety by providing a judgment-free space to share your feelings. If you’re struggling with thoughts like ‘why can’t I make friends,’ a truly empathetic person will listen and support you without judgment.

5. Respect


Respect is an essential factor for a good relationship. A good friend always respects your feelings and emotions as an individual. They respect your emotions and perspectives without unnecessary arguments.

Giving personal space is also included in respect. A good friend always treats and thinks about his friend as he wants to be treated.

6. Good Listeners

Good Listeners (Qualities Of A Good Friend)

Another trait of a good friendship is being a good listener. Good friends listen to each other ideas and thoughts very carefully and attentively because they care for each other. Attentive listening helps them understand each other’s preferences, problems, and emotions.

As a result, they can know more about each other. Moreover, they can give each other new ideas according to personality and circumstances.

7. Not Judgmental

Not Judgemental

While friendship is a two-way road, having low-maintenance friends that make your life simple is a blessing. A good friend always has a soft corner and a positive attitude towards yourself.

They always feel good in critical or fundamental talks but understand who you are and give positive suggestions. They never criticize or humiliate you. Even if they notice a bad habit in you, they address it constructively.

This positive attitude brings out the good and positive side within you. It takes you back to the good old days when there was no social media and everyone lived a judgement-free life.

8. Encouraging

Encouraging (Qualities Of A Good Friend)

A true, genuine friend is like a cool breeze in your life. They are your true lover. A good friend encourages you to pursue your interests and explore things you are passionate about, whether it’s a hobby, career goal, or a cause close to your heart. They motivate you and genuinely celebrate your success in any field.

A good friend is never jealous of you. Good mates help you achieve your life goals, and find joy, laughter, and courage when you lose them.

9. Humor


As Jim Hayes says, “A good friend helps you move. But a best friend helps you move a dead body.” A true friend’s sense of humor wakes up when he finds you worried or sad.

Good friends know how to cheer up each other. They say things that make you smile, tease you, and make fun of you to boost of your mood. You both enjoy and never get bored of each other’s company.

10. Forgiveness

Forgiveness (Qualities Of A Good Friend)

A sincere friend forgives mistakes and doesn’t keep them in their heart for long. He never holds a grudge in his mind and forgives past mistakes.

Good friends don’t humiliate each other by repeating the error again and again. Forgiveness can make a friendship stronger than it was before.

Benefits of Good Friendship

Benefits of Good Friendship

Having a good friend is a great blessing in life. A good friendship has numerous benefits for our overall health.

  • Friendship reduces stress, makes you feel fresh, and helps you manage anxiety.
  • A good friendship can alleviate the loneliness that harms a person’s mental and physical health.
  • Friendship makes you confident, as a good friend encourages and supports you by highlighting your capabilities.
  • A supportive friend or partner significantly improves your life and longevity.
  • A good friend can add years to your life by improving your immune system.
  • It enhances your mental health.
  • A good friendship helps you deal with troubles and traumas.
  • Your personality improves, and good characteristics build.
  • As cliche as it sounds, good friends do make you happy. You can have fun together, make memories, and enjoy the present without worries.

Tips for How to Be a Better Friend

Tips for How to Be a Better Friend (Qualities Of A Good Friend)

Remember that a good friend is the most precious thing in one’s life. So, keep these valuable tips in mind to be a better friend:

  • Always be available for your friends when they need you.
  • Speak truth.
  • Listen to your friend attentively.
  • Don’t be judgemental of your friend.
  • Be honest and understanding.
  • Celebrate and praise the success of your friend.
  • Keep in touch with your friends, whether through calls or social media apps.
  • Love and support them.

Final Words

Finding and maintaining a good friendship is crucial for a healthy life. With the given characteristics you can find a good friend. While no one is perfect, these are some baseline qualities that make a person a “friend” in the truest sense. This is not an exhaustive list, but you can find a better friend based on these qualities. Mindfulness apps can also help. They help build lasting relationships by improving self-awareness and communication skills.

About the Author: Muhammad Arslan

Muhammad Arslan
Muhammad Arslan is a dedicated writer with a passion for relationships, fitness, and health. He provides insightful advice and practical tips to help readers lead balanced and fulfilling lives.

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