low maintenance friendship

Feeling terrible about not checking in with your best friends more often? Here’s a shocker: your best friendships might thrive on the very absence you worry about. I can say this because I was there a few years back—connected with friends 24/7, sharing every little life update with them. Then suddenly, one day, we were not 16 anymore, and, you know, life happened. Our phones dried up, and now the chat window of my best friends got buried under hundreds of other chats in one day.

Did it change my love for them? Well, no! We just shifted into a more mature phase of friendship, which is “low-maintenance friendships“. We’ll unpack this term in a moment. As soon as I accepted that it was bound to happen, I got much peace and freedom in my life. If you feel guilty for not keeping in touch with them because you have moved out of the country, started a family, or got a serious job, don’t! It is how lasting friendships thrive.

What is a Low-maintenance Friendship?

In simple words, low-maintenance friendships are those where you don’t have to put in much deliberate effort to make the relationship thrive.

These minimalistic friendships are trending on social media as well because they are easy to take care of.

  • You can pick up where you left off last time.
  • No one would mind if you can’t make it to the gathering.
  • It won’t matter if you reply to the texts after a week.

A low-maintenance friendship allows both individuals to navigate their busy lives without damaging the precious bond. Hanging out every weekend is not compulsory to prove that you still love them wholeheartedly.

What Do Low-Maintenance Friendships Feel Like?

Your friends not only help you in trouble but strengthen your well-being and mental health as well. Even if you don’t get to see them every day, they help you keep strong and sane.

1. A Loud Language of Silence

You might only send them IG reels occasionally, but that would be more than enough to show them that you are thinking about them. Often, a comfortable silence is the most impactful thing good friends have. It shows that you don’t need to talk all the time to express your gratitude to each other. Introverted friends love quiet the most.

2. The Strong but Low-key Efforts

You might not talk every day, but you forget everything the moment you meet them as nothing has changed between you two. Just saying something to your best friend to make them smile is more than enough sometimes.

3. No Drama, Just Chill Vibes

Forget to wish them their birthday? Can’t remember their home address? No worries! They won’t mind. There’s no guilt, no passive-aggressive jobs, no emotional rollercoasters in low-maintenance friendships.

Tips to Make Low-Maintenance Friends

Tips on How to Make Low-Maintenance Friends

If you or your friend is a low-maintenance person, these fun, lighthearted tips will help you keep the relationship alive despite not actively being around them. 

1. Reconnect Randomly

Sometimes, friendship anxiety (yes, it’s a real thing!) kicks in even around best friends when you meet them after a while. You can avoid it by catching up with them while doing groceries or just casually messaging them if something reminds you of them.

2. Be There for Them Every Time

“Shoutout to low-maintenance friends. The ones you don’t talk to for months because you both are busy in life. But when you meet up, there’s nothing but love.”  – Mel Robbins

This low-maintenance friendship quote sums it up perfectly. You don’t need to be in touch constantly to be supportive. Just know when to appear when your friend needs you. 

3. Don’t Make Plans: Make Loose Suggestions

The statement “We should catch up soon!” is your best friend. It’s vague enough to avoid commitment but still gives the vibe that you care. If your friend takes you up on it in 3 weeks? Great. If not? Mission accomplished.

4. The “Thought-Tagging” Technique

When you’re scrolling through reels or TikTok videos, and something reminds you of them, simply tag them with “You’ll love this for sure!” No need to start a full convo, but it shows you’re thinking of them in the chillest way possible.

5. Meet Them in Person Too Sometimes

It may feel contradictory, but there is nothing wrong with making spontaneous plans and going on a quick coffee date with them. In fact, many studies have highlighted the importance of open communication and shared activities in maintaining strong friendships, even those that may not require constant interaction. 

Low Maintenance Friendship vs. High Maintenance Friendship

These two dynamics of friendship solely depend on the type of person you are and what you value in a relationship.  High-maintenance friendships are often suited to extroverts who are always ready to hit the party and don’t mind hanging out with friends every other day. 

However, low-maintenance friendships are more flexible, and you can catch up with each other even after years. It is widely observed that adult friendships thrive when there is no stress of maintaining frequent contact. 

So, it all comes down to your personal likes, dislikes, and preferences. If you already struggle to make friends, maybe the low-maintenance ones will become your best buddies, and if you are a social butterfly, you won’t mind keeping high-maintenance friendships.

Final Words

The one reference that sums up the true essence of low-maintenance friendship is something that Joey and Chandler had in the blockbuster show “Friends“. This type of friendship might not match the traditional meaning of friendships, but people still love it because it is not very demanding. A low-maintenance friendship allows you to be your own best friend while still having the support of others when you need it.

About the Author: Muhammad Moazzan

Muhammad Moazzan
Moazzan is a dedicated writer and mindfulness advocate who believes in the transformative power of meditation. His passion for helping others find peace and prosperity through mindfulness shines through in his evocative storytelling. Muhammad’s journey began as a personal quest for tranquility and evolved into a mission to share the profound benefits of mindful living. Join him in exploring how mindfulness can enrich your life.

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