Baby Yoga

Yoga is the most popular self-care and relaxing exercise for people worldwide. Significantly, it can benefit you when you are suffering from postpartum depression after delivering the baby.

Unlike simple yoga techniques, postpartum yoga is quite different. Mom and baby yoga has proven mental and physical benefits with simple, easy stretches. It promotes positivity in mommies who are struggling with Postpartum depression, just like self-reflection questions. It is the best way to start your little one’s life journey with healthy and mindful exercise.

With our ultimate guide, you will learn all about baby yoga, its poses, benefits, and much more. So, let’s embark on the wellness journey and explore the wonders of baby-parent yoga with your bundle of joy!

What Is Baby Yoga?

What Is Baby Yoga?

Baby yoga is also known as mommy and baby, prenatal, postpartum, or baby and me yoga. It is a healthy practice that involves simple stretches and gentle exercises for both mommy and baby. In this yoga, babies are actively involved in yoga poses that benefit both practitioners. It stimulates the baby physically and provides relaxation. It also helps mommies achieve their mental health goals.

Parents or caregivers are guided through simple massage techniques, stretches, and movements in most baby yoga classes. These activities are formulated for the baby’s well-being and relaxation and help the mommies get the answer “Is happiness a choice?

Benefits of Baby Yoga?

Benefits of Baby Yoga

According to Yoga Journal, guiding babies through simple movements helps them crawl, sit, and walk early. Research published by NIH about LBW (low birth weight) babies declares that messaging babies twice a week for 15 minutes has proven results in weight gain. That’s why you notice your babies gradually gaining weight with the proper baby yoga sessions.

As for the baby weight gain, baby yoga has many other benefits:

  • It improves sleep.
  • It improves the baby’s digestive system and causes less gas.
  • It decreases fussiness.
  • It creates a strong mommy and baby bond.
  • Baby yoga helps to boost the immune system.
  • Develop a healthy exercise routine.
  • Strengthens muscles.
  • It brings body awareness in babies.
  • Reduce stress and relax in mommy, especially when they’re a solo parent.
  • It helps in getting back to reshape the body with ease.

Baby yoga has several benefits for babies and new moms it promotes sleep that’s why most people think “Why does yoga make me sleepy?” It has yoga poses for two persons at a time. You can gain a lot of benefits if you practice properly.

Instead of baby yoga, there are several other forms of yoga with dramatic influences on human health and behavior. In which the kundalini yoga lies. But there is a myth that it is the most dangerous yoga. Are you curious about “Why is kundalini yoga dangerous?

Yoga Tips For Parents

Tips For Parents

Baby yoga is quite different from adult yoga. Talking or singing with exercises babies respond to their parents. It is just like the most powerful manifestation technique. For a perfect yoga session, parents should keep some things in mind for the safety and well-being of the baby:

Practice on a Comfortable Surface: Babies are more sensitive than adults, so always practice on a mat or consider placing a soft blanket under the baby to add more comfort. Adding a pillow or blanket underneath the baby is just a mindfulness gift for a baby.

Baby Should Not be Hungry: If your baby is hungry, they will stop responding. So before starting a session, ensure your baby is fed and has a fresh diaper.

The Baby Should Not be Tired: Baby yoga is for babies, so consider when they are fully awake and active.

Listen to Your Baby’s Needs: Baby yoga sessions are pretty relaxed, and if the baby starts crying or becomes stiff, stop the yoga and listen to their needs first.

Listen to Your Body: Your body has gone through severe changes as a parent, so avoid exercise that makes your body feel hard. Do not be harsh with your own body.

Yoga Shoes: Wear comfortable, thin, flexible, and comfortable yoga shoes to move your feet with ease in yoga poses.

How to Practice Yoga With Babies?

How to Practice Yoga With Babies

Baby yoga has many benefits, but you should consult your pediatrician before starting a yoga class. Yoga stimulates movements, so most doctors recommend starting baby yoga when the baby is 6 months old.

Baby yoga classes are offered at hospitals, yoga studios, community centers, and parent co-ops. Before starting the class, make sure your instructor has prenatal yoga training.

Mum and baby yoga classes are pretty similar to adult yoga classes. Mum and baby are seated on the floor and enjoy practicing yoga poses.

You can join many online trainings and classes if you can’t find a yoga class near your community. You can also learn easy mommy and me yoga poses below.

Baby Yoga Poses to Try at Home With Safety Tips and Precautions

The two-person yoga poses keep the mommies healthily engaged with the babies. The mother who does baby yoga notices the changes in their babies. The babies are more active and healthy both mentally and physically. So let’s do the exciting yoga poses with the little one:

1. Knees to Tummy

Knees to Tummy

The first thing to do is ask your baby to practice some yoga. Now, pick up the baby’s legs and give them a gentle bounce to relax. Bring the knees up to the tummy and move the legs around. It brings mobility to the hips, massages the lower back, and helps digestion. Once you do the pose in one direction, you can repeat it in the opposite direction.

2. Marching Movement

Marching Movement

Bring the baby’s knees to the chest and gently march the legs. This will help to relax the hips and support the baby’s digestion. Start every yoga pose for 10 seconds, then gradually expand the time for each pose by 30 seconds.

3. Mini Plough Pose

Bring the baby’s legs to the chest and gently stretch them for ten seconds. This is a fantastic pose to help bring flexibility to your baby’s spine. Be gentle while doing yoga with babies and see if they allow you to do it. If they feel discomfort, stop doing it. Observe your baby and how much they can do with ease. Keep the babies engaged by talking or singing.

4. Big Arm Circles

Big Arm Circles

This yoga is for babies’ shoulders. So, before starting, relax the baby’s arms with gentle bouncing for a few seconds. After that, start the big arms circle yoga by bringing the baby’s arms over their head and making a big circle at the shoulder joints. This baby yoga helps to expand the chest and brings mobility into the shoulder joints.

5. Mini Twist

Mini Twist

Bring the baby’s legs to the right side, place a hand on the left side over the chest, and gently massage. Repeat this pose on the opposite side by bringing the baby’s legs to the left side and placing a hand on the right side, gently messaging. Do this for a few seconds. This creates a twist in your baby’s spine and helps bring flexibility.

6. Wind Releasing Pose

Gently raise the baby’s legs, bend their knees, and put a little pressure on their tummies. This is called a wind-releasing pose. Do this for ten seconds. This baby yoga helps babies pass gas and strengthen the hip joint.

7. Butterfly Movement

Hold the baby’s feet and slowly push them back and forth for 10 seconds. Now, slowly release the legs. This will strengthen the baby’s knee joints and give them mobility.

8. Tummy Yoga

This yoga is for babies for about 12+ weeks. This yoga is an amusing pose with your baby to encourage your baby to have some tummy time. On a mat, straighten your legs, lay the baby on the legs, and encourage them to roll on your legs. Do this nicely and slowly, and be guided by your baby. When your baby gets down to your ankles, it’s an excellent opportunity to stretch. Now, gently get your baby to roll back up to your legs, back to where they started. This yoga pose is enough for one time.

9. Sitting Balance

Sitting Balance

Pop your baby on the outside of your leg and rap your arm across the chest, holding underneath the armpit. This may be the first time your babies use your tummy muscles to help them balance.

10. Standing Balance

After learning the sitting balance, your baby will learn the standing balance. In the sitting balance position, gently cup your hand underneath your baby’s bottom and encourage them to bear a little weight through their feet. This will help them feel their surroundings and encourage them to stand up. Hold your baby in this position for about 30 seconds.

The above yoga poses help babies in their mental and physical development. Along with yoga, there are several other techniques that can help mommies cope with postpartum depression and anxiety like good sleep, eating healthy, relaxation techniques like mindful affirmations, positive affirmations for anxiety, mindfulness, etc.

Baby Yoga With Your Daily Routine

Incorporating baby yoga into your daily routine is the best way to create a bond with your little joy. It also promotes their physical and emotional development. You can start your day with gentle stretching, tummy time, a message for the baby, and mindful affirmations to keep yourself positive.

Eventually, incorporate other yoga poses in your day, and at the end of the day add bath time yoga, gently stretching and moving their arms and legs around for relaxation. Remember to create a peaceful environment for the baby to sleep.

For new mommies mental health reminders are the best way to keep them away from depression and anxiety.

Final Thoughts

Whether practicing yoga at home or joining a class, constantly enrich your baby’s needs first. This yoga is the best option to create a strong bond with your little one through physical development and relaxation. Remember to practice this gently with your baby and discover the wonders of baby yoga.

Also Read: Simple Steps To Start Practicing Gratitude Meditation Today

About the Author: Jessica Erik

Jessica Erik
Jessica is a passionate writer who enjoys delving into the realms of meditation, yoga, and relationships. With a keen interest in personal growth and self-discovery, she brings a unique perspective to her work. Her insightful discussions on relationships are both engaging and thought-provoking.

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